Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thing to do #75 - Get a tattoo and/or piercing

Completion of thing to do #75 - Get a Tattoo and/or Piercing

Can you guess where I'm pierced??? ;)

Left ear: as you can see I have my Tragus pierced. I also have 3 lobe piercings (2 of which are slightly closed up)

Right ear - Daith piercing & again three lobe piercings with 2 slightly closed up.. I could probably stick an earring through the other two.. but it would probably hurt me... a lot.

My belly piercing with sexy new GREEN bellyring

- Looky what we have here A GOLD COMPLETION STAR!!

I currently don't have any tattoos... If that ever changes in the future I will post pictures

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thing to do #17 - Own a Pointless collection

Thing to do #17 - Own a Pointless Collection.

I completed this thing to do when I was still in High School..

I think the fact that I managed to store (in my family's words "HOARD") the collections that I had/have deserves a GOLD completion star

Here is a few photos of my stamp collection:

The other VERY pointless collection I had is a collection of EXTRA chewing gum wrappers, that I proceeded to cover note books in.... It doesn't get more POINTLESS than that.. Heres a few pictures:

I've also got a collection of old tazo's (you know those plastic discs that were found in chip packets) pokemon cards and key rings.

Thing to do #28 - Sky Dive

I don't know if it's cheating to complete a 'thing to do' before actually buying the book or starting a blog but... I don't care. Sky diving inspired me to buy the book 101 things to do before you die.

On 13th September 2008, at sunrise I completed thing to do # 28 - Skydive.
- My first completion star.

Country - Byron Bay, NSW, Australia
Where did you jump - Sky Dive Byron Bay
Tandem or Solo - TANDEM - Tandem master was Dave
Were you nervous - I was rather nervous. I even wrote a suicide note incase I didn't make it to tell the story
Did you try to back out? - No, once I was all geared up and in the plane I was nothing but excited!
Top speed reached - approx 210km/hour
Did you land correctly - I think you should check out the video! (Heres the link ) My landing was very smooth
Did you throw up? I threw up after it was over.. My museli breakfast didn't look so tasty 2nd time around. My friend, Skye threw up at 4,000 feet..poor girl
Height of jump - 14,000 feet
Freefall - approx. 45 seconds

Here's a photo for evidence:

Would you ever do it again? DAMN STRAIGHT! It was SO MUCH FUN!